Wednesday, June 23, 2010

My Latest Toy, I mean TOOL

If you know anything about me, you know that I get really excited about technology.  I don't know how it happened or when it happened, but for the longest time I've been blessed (or cursed, depends on how you look at it) with a knack for all things digital.

So I had to practice a great deal of restraint not to run out and get the latest gadget from Apple, the iPad.  Why?  Because I knew if I purchased it myself, I would be given one as part of my job duties.  So I waited.  And lusted after friend's devices.  And waited some more. Finally, there was a work justification for one and they asked if I could "play" with one to help figure out how to manage and secure.  Hmmm.  Let me think about that for all of one second!!

So my thoughts?  Well, I'll have to give away my Kindle now.  The Kindle app is available on the iPad and the iPhone and my investment in the *books* is saved.  The iPad's screen is just gorgeous.  Now it's a matter of figuring out what apps I need.  Some I've already purchased for my iPhone and will transfer.  What I have on there currently, in addition to the standard apps:
  •  Wyse's Pocket Cloud application.  Gives me a remote into my Vista desktop as well as servers that I support.  A must need for an IT pro.
  • app.  I'm a comparision shopper!  Plus if I find a great deal I can use 1-Click to purchase.
  • World Series of Poker.  Because sometimes those layovers are long.  (Meetings too!)
  • IMDb application.  Window into all things movies.
  • Strip Design - a new application for me.  Can turn my pictures into a comic strip with the ability to edit.  Really cute!
  • Amazon Kindle
  • ABC Player
Watching videos on this thing is a delight.  The fact that it's so light means my laptop may stay in the bag more often than not.

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