Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Road Trip - LA & Vegas

This year, a tech conference in Vegas coincided with dropping off my oldest son at college in the LA area, so I decided to kill two birds with one stone and drive to both.  Talk about road trip! I had a couple of things to look forward to, which made the long hours in the car worth it.  First: another opportunity for long chats with my son without the possibility of him escaping :) I know I joke about slowing down just long enough to kick him to the curb, but I will miss him and I know every semester brings him closer to a time when he probably won't be returning.  The emotions I felt driving away ran the gamut from happy to proud to sad to.... not quite sure yet. 

Second: My pal A had arranged for me to get a massage from a friend that is a massage therapist the night I got into LA.  Oh. My. God.  What a gift after a long drive! Total bliss and made the drive into Vegas the next day so much easier!

Third: Wingwomen!! Besides my techie-tech friends and acquaintances, two of my wingwomen were flying into Vegas to hang with me during the evening events.  Because there was a high (OK, *virtual* 100% probability) that I would be running into an ex and his girlfriend, I was immensely grateful for this show of support.  In the end, yes I did survive the run-in and was actually better off for it.

I think the main personal take-away from last week is not to shy away from uncomfortable situations and just believe that I'm strong enough to handle with dignity and grace, even if others aren't.

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